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 (Modifikasi) Memasang 960 throttle plate di 850

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(Modifikasi) Memasang 960 throttle plate di 850 Empty
PostSubyek: (Modifikasi) Memasang 960 throttle plate di 850   (Modifikasi) Memasang 960 throttle plate di 850 EmptyWed Mar 05, 2014 3:08 am

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"The car is much more responsive with less throttle input. I don't know if it made any apreciable different at WOT but it is a bit louder. It sounds great. I recommend this for every NA 850. This is how the car should have been from the factory. Throttle response is on par with my bmw and most every other car I've driven. Perfect."

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(Modifikasi) Memasang 960 throttle plate di 850
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